Valentine 1 Gen2 - THE LEGEND
- New: All-new electronics in a new magnesium case.
- New: Patented SAW D²L jumps the scan-rate a hundred-fold.
- New: LNA technology boosts range, radically improves stealth.
- New: K-Verifier blocks nearly all K-band alarms from lane-change and crash-prevention radars.
- New: Built-in Bluetooth smartphone connection.
- With special EURO mode for usage in Europe (More about Euro mode)
- Detects radar and laser systems used in Europe
- Still the best detector for whole European Union
- 10 year warranty against factory defects
V1 Gen2 is an entirely new security instrument that outperforms by a clear margin even the most highly-evolved version of V1. Inside the all-new magnesium case is an all-new, and patented, radar-seeking engine adapted from a concept used by military CHIRP radars to find fainter targets farther away with higher precision. Ka-band range is impressively better in V1 Gen2. K-band range is also improved. Our new SAW-D2L and LNA technologies enable this substantial range increase over traditional V1 while also providing a breakthrough in stealth and enhanced laser discrimination against false alarms from CHMSL stop lights and from laser crash-mitigation systems in other vehicles.
BACKORDER estimated shipping date 20.01.2023
Orders sent on first come first serve basis
"The Valentine has LED arrows on its face that tell you whether the radar is ahead of you or behind you. Live with this feature for a while, and you'll wonder how you ever lived without it." |
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